Nationwide Process Serving Company
We Serve Legal Documents Anywhere in the United States
Headquartered in Wisconsin, our company has built an impressive network of process servers across the country. From nearby Chicago to Los Angeles, New York and even Puerto Rico, we can attempt service on anybody anywhere in the United States.
Save time calling around by putting our nationwide serving network to use.
We’ve already done the work of finding dependable process servers all over the country. All you need to do is make one call and get us the documents. We’ll take care of the rest.
How Do You Serve Someone Out of State?
Although most cases involve parties from the same state, it’s not that unusual for a resident of one state to sue a resident of another state. Whether it’s an estranged spouse who you’re divorcing, an ex-spouse you need child support papers served on or an out of state civil lawsuit, there are lots of situations where you may need to serve somebody in another state.
In these situations, process serving can get fairly tricky.
For the average individual, it’s hard enough to find a local process server to serve in-state papers. Trying to find somebody in another state makes the process that much more difficult. Further compounding matters is conflicting interpretations of which statutes should be followed, those of the state that issued the papers or the state where service will take place.
There are websites that state you can serve papers on out-of-state defendants simply by mailing them a copy of the summons. While this might be true in some jurisdictions, it certainly is not in others. Attempting to serve your papers in this way could cause serious problems with your case.
Failure to obey the rules of civil procedure risks having your case delayed or worse.
Fortunately, process serving companies with access to nationwide networks like Southeast Wisconsin Process exist. We have access to a nationwide network of process servers and can take the guesswork out of serving for you. We’ll make the process entirely turnkey. All you have to do is give us the papers with a name and address and we’ll handle the rest. Plus, our flat rate, upfront pricing is available for out of state serves. You’ll know exactly what it will cost to attempt service in your case, with no hidden fees or surprises.
By using a professional process server, you are much more likely to get your papers served quickly, on time and in accord with your state’s statutes. It is always a good idea to call the process server before sending the papers, to make sure you know what the fees will be and the best way to get the papers to them. Every case is slightly different and the server will be an invaluable resource for getting the papers delivered.
We serve all kinds of papers, including:
Unlike some nationwide process serving companies, Southeast Wisconsin Process does not discriminate on volume or attorney status. Whether you are an individual serving an ex-spouse who lives out of state or are a large law firm tracking down foreclosure defendants around the country, we will take your case.